Forward-Looking Statement
I acknowledge that the foregoing opinion & statement is certainly a forward-looking statement, and since I'm about to make more of the same, I urge you to read the "Cautionary Disclaimer" available on the Company's website, and as referred to again later in this message.
Preservation of Shareholder Value & Minimization of Shareholder Dilution Through Persistent Mining Sector Downturn
The Company, during the time of the recently persistent down-turn in the mining sector [now over ten (10) years] which was further magnified by economic difficulties caused by the Covid epidemic’s supply-chain issues that contributed to high inflation rates and which resulted in implementation of increase in interest rates to fight inflation, has maintained and advanced its current highly prospective projects prudently under adverse market conditions; while minimizing undue shareholder dilution.
The Future is Bright for Junior Mining Companies Having Good Experienced Management with a Track-Record
Based on current global economic, social, political, environmental & ecological dynamics & the transforming trends emerging at a time when the world population growth, especially of the elderly reaches new highs the demand for minerals/metals will reach highest levels both in the established westernized economies and the emerging economies. And, this is all happening when the mining sector needs to emerge from a period of being in disarray.
Current Project is Highly Prospective
The Company’s current highly prospective "Jean Project" (the "Project"), a 100% owned Iron-Ore exploration property is located in the world-class mining district in Ontario, Canada, one of the safest and mining friendly jurisdictions in the world.