Firstly it's my pleasure as the CEO of Mantra Exploration Inc. (the "Company" - a Futura Capital Group Company) to post my messages on the Company's website for you, the Company's valued shareholders, investors, guests and visitors.
I will format my "CEO's Corporate-Update message below to facilitate a "Quick & Concise Summary" (for the "Home-Page" of the website), providing warranted details as and when required only within this message.
Rajinder Chowdhry (Raj) - CEO & Chairman
The company has decided to diversify its assets and seek out, review & acquire advanced Copper & Gold assets in safe mining friendly jurisdictions, while continuing to advance its current projects. I believe that the minerals sector is finally, once again, coming into favor, based on current market sentient, conditions & foreseeable long-term demand for Gold and especially Copper.
The foregoing opinion & statement certainly is a forward-looking statement, and since I'm about to make more of the same, I urge you to read the "Cautionary Disclaimer" available on the Company's website, and as referred to again later in this presentation.
The Company, during the recent continued down turn in the mining sector, and through the past economic difficult times caused due to the Covid epidemic and subsequent high interest rates to fight inflation, has maintained and advanced its highly prospective Jean Project ("Jean Project" and/or "Project"), a 100% owned Iron-Ore exploration property in the world-class mining district in Ontario, Canada, one of the safest and mining friendly jurisdictions in the world. And, this was accomplished prudently by the Company in the difficult times without causing any undue shareholder dilution.
Based on current global economic, social, political, environmental & ecological dynamics & the transforming trends emerging at a time when the world population growth, especially of the elderly reaches new highs, the demand for minerals/metals will reach highest levels both in the established westernized economies and the emerging economies. And, this is all happening when the mining sector needs to emerge from a period of being in disarray.
The recent on-going sentiment in the mineral sector markets of under performance, as was the case when our Company acquired its current highly prospective Jean Project (Iron-Ore) provides the Company a similar opportunity, once again , to pursue and acquire advanced mineral assets. Incidentally, I had also assisted another company similarly, a company that I headed at that time as CEO (Tintina, now named Sandfire) in acquiring the Black Butte copper project in Montana, U.S.A.; one of the highest grade copper projects in the world, finally being put into production.
Note: Pursuant to the Company's business plan, when the Company first became a publicly reporting company in September 2020, following the 2020 market demise in the spring of 2020 due to the Covid epidemic, the Jean Project was acquired at what management believes to be exceptionally low price, representing "cents on the dollar for exploration work previously already conducted"; and without significant dilution to shareholders. upon the completion of an extensive review of global demand for various types of metals when metal prices were unfavorable and/or depressed, especially for Iron-Ore.
The right time to Acquire Advanced Copper & Gold Assets is "Now". Our Team can accomplish it, and again, with shareholder/investor support. it's "Time to Review the Facts".
Ownership of Jean (Iron-Ore) Project
Exploration-Work Program Plan
History of Exploration Work
2023 - Performed by Mantra Exploration Inc.
2022 - Performed by Mantra Exploration Inc.
2021 - Performed by Mantra Exploration Inc.
2015 - Performed by AsiaBaseMetals Inc.
2012 - Performed by Great Lakes Resources Ltd.
Technical Reports
Under industry standards, the key economic parameters for magnetite ore being generally economic in BIF are, the crystallinity of the magnetite, the grade of the iron in the host rock, and the contaminant elements which exist within the magnetite concentrate.
To make a magnetite-bearing banded iron formation economic, typically, a minimum iron grade of 25% Fe is required. A concentrate grade of 64% iron by weight or more is viable with a 33% to 40% recovery yield of magnetite (Source: Rai Technology University - World Economic Geography - Section 2.1.3 - Magnetite Ores).
The Project is located in an are with full infrastructue already existing.
The Power Lines. the Roads and Port facilities already exist in the are fir transportation to steel mills.
The largest steel mills and the largest market is across the border in the USA.
Note: "Qualified Person" information is provided, as required by regulatory authorities, in the "Disclaimer" section of this website under the heading "Technical Information".
Risk Management: As you all appreciate, the Mining Industry is considered a high risk business. "To mitigate Risk", even when drilling the best of properties, with immense potential, one needs to add additional prospective advanced projects, especially when the time to do so is opportune; as is the case now.
Focused Team - Delivering Shareholder Value: The Company's whole team is focused on delivering shareholder value to all shareholders of the Company, as can be seen to date. I not only serve the Company, the Company's team, each of the Company's Shareholders, and each community and country where the Company conducts business; I also do it as a significant shareholder [as per my shareholder filings on the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders ("SEDI").
The Company & I thank you: Your valuable time to read my my Update Message, and for your continued support as the "Company having Forward Thinking" creates and delivers results and value for all shareholders is truly appreciated. I recommend that you view the Company's Brochure (t e "Brochure") available on the Company's website (in the Document Library Section) for more information & details. and read the full Disclaimer provided on the Company's website.
"Raj Chowdhry"
CEO & Chairman of the Board
NOTE: Click Here - To Read Full Disclaimer - Covering All Content & Statements Above
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