Mantra Exploration Inc.'s, 100% owned Jean project ("Jean Project"), an iron-ore exploration property encompassing 84 mineral claims (1,584 hectares) is in the world-class mining district in Ontario, Canada, one of the safest and mining friendly jurisdictions in the world.
The Project is located in north western part of the province of Ontario, Canada in the Thunder Bay Mining District.
The Jean Project's Exploration Work Program carried out in 2012, by a previous owner, included eight vertical NQ-size drill holes totaling 492.88m, bounding 3km by 0.5km area, verified the known surface geology, with additional detailed stratigraphic information.
NOTE: Two Technical Reports have been prepared for the Project (see Document Library)
The Company is seeking out and reviewing additional advanced projects for precious and base metals for acquisitions.
As such, the Company is focused on acquiring;
Raj Chowdhry, CEO. stated
"The time to acquire advanced projects is now, during the current cyclical commodity markets downturn, to cease and participate in the exceptionally favourable upcoming market conditions for commodities, especially Copper and Gold; as generally expected, predicted and forecasted, based on current global economic-environment and conditions."
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